Archive for May, 2010

NavKor, Tynnara and Serenno – Updates

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After checking the comm, I have learned of several events that have transpired:


Shara has received her doctorate, granted to her by Dr. Akanseh after much evaluation and discussion.

She was also abducted by Gavyn Kerr, a bounty hunter that has been trying to capture her and her other former crewmates.  Kerr was killed by Aulac MacBeth, and Shara was returned to her home on Serenno safely; however, before Kerr’s death, he told Shara that her former crew mate – and former fiancé – Jared Stone had already been captured and was a slave on Altori.

Shara will be traveling to Altori with Sarge, Aulac, H’Ress, Vao, Wedge and Ben in order to rescue Jared.

May the Mother of Orion smile upon their journey.

((For more details, please visit


First and foremost I have received word that my former nephew, Vao, is no longer a vampire but is human.  This is very welcome news.  I wish him well.

Emerald has had her house completed and has several house guests:  Vao, Rival, Ben, Wedge and H’Ress (when she is not elsewhere).

Emerald was also attacked by Kerr, but was not abducted.  She was defended by several people.

She has also made quite an impression with the locals – picking up on their language quickly and mingling easily with them.

((For more details, please visit ))


Business is going well.  Kor and I are meeting with clients and building the business.  I am quite pleased.

We are hiring: pilots, security, smugglers, etc.

((For a look at the “corporate” site, visit ))

OOC Post – A Change in This Blog

Just a quick ooc note.

When this blog was originally started, it was a personal in-character blog for Navaar.

From there, it grew into a blog for the crew of Navaar’s ship, and now the RPG has expanded to two planets and several ships.

I am thrilled with this development and with how many people are RPing with Navaar, Shara and Emerald.  🙂

But I realized that this is no longer just a “Captain’s Log” – and Navaar isn’t technically isn’t a captain now:  Tal Kotra is the captain of the Orion Defiance.

So there has been a name change, plus the updates will be for all three “groups” – those on Tynnara with Emerald, those on Tynnara with Navaar, and those on Serenno with Shara.

New Crew, New Missions

This will be a quick update.

Our HQ on Tynnara is running smoothly.  Kor and H’Ress have done a fabulous job of putting in the needed security and staff.  I am beyond pleased.

Clients have been much easier to come by with the addition of this headquarters.  Clients are quite eager to come meet us at our new headquarters to talk business.  With our facilities, we are able to accommodate numerous potential clients at one time with a minimum of expense or travel.  It is quite ideal.

We also have a new crew member:  Wedge Antilles.  He ran his first mission for us with Ben Skywalker.